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What to do if you want to come to class There is no need to book classes, just come along to the one that suits your schedule that week. Classes are £8 when you start, for just over one-hours' session. Once you register, classes are £6 per session. We combine a fitness warm up, conditioning and stretching, then on to martial arts techniques, and bring in self-defence too.

Fitness level Don't worry about your fitness level, everyone starts at their own pace, and builds up according to their individual abilities.

What to wear Wear track suit bottoms, t-shirt and trainers, and bring some water with you too.

Suitable for all Classes are suitable for all levels, as we split the grades with separate instructors, and we have new comers starting all the time, so you will always fit in and have an enjoyable session. With more than one instructor per class it means we generally have spaces for newcomers and more advanced students. However, you are always welcome to come down and view a class, with the instructors' permission of course.

Membership If you are interested in membership, the best thing to do is to come down and try a class. If you like it, ask the instructor for membership details.  We do have an annual membership scheme, and once you have registered, the classes are £6 per session thereafter. The best thing to do, is to try out a class, and ask the instructor about membership.

Women's only classes The women-only class is on Tuesdays at 7pm, at the ATC Hall, 192 Merton Rd, Wimbledon, SW19. This is next to the Tesco Metro petrol station, just behind the bus stop, and a few minutes away from South Wimbledon station. This is a regular class, and combines an aerobic warm up, kickboxing techniques, and a particular emphasis on self-defence techniques. Black belt instructor Sophie and Ed run this class and newcomers are welcome.

Age Our starting age is from around 5 years, and we have students as mature as 65! However, we do take children from 41/2 onwards, depending on their physical abilities and focus. The best thing to do, is to come to a children's class and he/she can try it out. However, please be advised that we only allow membership for under five's at the discretion of the instructor.

Grading All classes are structured to teach syllabus, and instructors are qualified to prepare students with a view to grading yellow through to black belt. However, grading and sparring are optional.

Equipment Once you have joined, all uniform and equipment is available from your instructor.

Sparring Once you have joined sparring is an option at classes. Sparring is with light contact, full protective equipment and under full supervision.

Personal training Personal training is with our chief instructor, Mr Tony Lloyd. Tony has over 35 years of experience in the business of fitness and martial arts, and is a 7th degree black belt, and a leader and innovator in the martial arts field. His unique skills combine fitness, martial arts and life coaching - and he is not just about sorting about clients' bodies it is about sorting out their mind as well.  Martial arts is about testing and training the mind and 
soul as well as the body. Tony has also been a celebrity trainer for many years for clients' as diverse as - government officials, armed forces, police, royalty to the more glamorous world of modelling, tennis and tv presenters.

Personal training sessions start from around £50 per one hour session, and usually clients book for around three months at a time. We tailor-make the programmes to your individual needs - fitness, self-defence, martial arts, stress-relief etc. First Mr Lloyd would interview you to understand your needs, then he would develop a programme to fit. If you would like to know more about this, please call Tony Lloyd on 07774 887 885.

Children's classes The children's classes are great for building confidence, fitness and self-esteem, and we cover things like "stranger-danger", first aid, respectful behavior - and emergency procedures - all good skills in today's competitive world.

We look forward to seeing you in class, but if you any further enquiries, please contact:

Tony Lloyd, chief instructor on 07774 887 885





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